The logo depicts the free flow of water, with colours representing
- Orange for Energy
- Green for Environment
- Pink for Health &
- Blue for Water
The entire illustration, in the form of a postal stamp, gives a feel of celebration or commemoration of a special day, for the world.
Spreading Awareness about the Importance of Good Plumbing
WORLD PLUMBING DAY (WPD), celebrated on 11th March every year, everywhere, aims to raise awareness about plumbing and the important role that plumbing practitioners play in protecting the health, safety and sustainability of our community.
WPD was launched by World Plumbing Council’s Chairman, Mr. Robert Burgon in October 2009 reflecting the Council’s hope that on the day, communities would come together to highlight the role of plumbing in conserving the most precious of the natural resources… water!!!
WPD is celebrated every year across all IPA Chapters with different activities to spread awareness about the importance of good plumbing practices. Activities like painting & poster competitions for school children on the theme of water conservation as well as blood donation camps, public health seminars and free medical checkups for plumbers etc. have been successfully conducted in the past. Awards are also given to students for select paintings.
At Nashik, free Plumbing Maintenance Training Program for housewives, have attracted great participation and dedication, helping to save water.
IPA appreciates the efforts made by the WPD Convener/ Committee Members for conceptualizing the program and thanks all Chapter volunteers for coming together to celebrate the event every year everywhere.